Why did Satoshi come up with a concept of Bitcoin in the first place?
What kind of problems was he trying to solve? What has been the biggest factor for the global adoption of Bitcoin? Satoshi's white paper offered the world a solution to a question that has been unanswerable by the traditional banking system we're using today, which is, "how do you transfer value between two people without a trusted intermediary in the middle?" Satoshi asserted, "what is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other." Bitcoin allows two people to trade value through a blockchain system in ways that are more efficient, more open, and more secure. We will unpack that a little bit more. Meet me again in our next lesson, "How Bitcoin Works" So how does Bitcoin allow us to trade value without the help of a middle man? Bitcoin network is run by a technology called blockchain. It is defined as a decentralized, distributed and i